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Return to Kinshasa - My Volunteer Assignment

Jim Herne

By Jim Herne

Since retiring in late 2016 I have been contacting various organizations that implement “Farmer-to-Farmer” programs ( which provide short-term volunteer technical assistance to famers and agribusinesses around the world. These programs are funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and they are implemented by American non-profit organizations that have links with the American farmer cooperative movement or which specialize in international agricultural development. One of these organizations is ACDI/VOCA (, a non-profit based in Washington DC that provides technical assistance and training for farmers and farmer cooperatives. It was created in 1997 by the merger of ACDI (Agricultural Cooperative Development International) and VOCA (Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance). Both of these organizations were created by, and have strong links with, the American farmer cooperative movement. Currently ACDI/VOCA operates Farmer-to-Farmer programs in eight countries, including the DR Congo.


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