Peace Corps Friends of DR Congo
Annual Report 2019
It is my pleasure to present to you, the 2019 annual report for our N.P.C.A. affiliate group. We are a small group of returned Peace Corps Volunteers and Friends of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We wish to thank our members for their engagement and interest for our home away from home and for many of us the best job we ever loved.
Our group exists to:
Educate others about this great country and culture
Provide monetarily supporting NGOs aiding on a grassroots level, Congolese men, women, and children with direct aid with a primary mission the betterment in their daily lives.
Sponsor opportunities for social interaction while maintaining a network of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and friends of the DRC
About our group
Registered as a nonprofit corporation in the State of Maine
Registered with the I.R.S. as a 501(c) 3 nonprofit association
Dues paying affiliate of the National Peace Corps Association
Open to all Peace Corps returned volunteers and staff who served in the RDC
Governed by a seven-member Board of Directors
Annual contribution
In 2019, PCFDRC once again was able to donate to Stand Proud. Stand Proud, a Congolese non-profit NGO, provides mobility enhancing treatment and equipment to of impoverished children and youth with motor disabilities. Many of their young clientele are the result of disease and collateral effects of the continuous wars plaguing the Congo for decades. These instruments, as crude as they sometimes are, improves their dignity and social integration.
For more information on Stand Proud, visit their website or on our web site:
In my travels around the world to address the issues of the poor, I was astonished to witness the incredible work of Stand Proud. With limited resources, the organization allows children with disabilities the opportunity for hope and a future.
Former Ambassador Tony P. Hall and thre time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize
For the second consecutive year, our organization saw an increase in paid membership. We encourage Congolese RPCVs to add our group to their membership list. 100% of revenue derived from dues are earmarked for the organizations we support in the Congo.
Readership of our website,, has increased in 2019. The Board has responded by increasing the frequency of the newsletter from quarterly to bi-monthly. Our newsletter has accentuated personalized articles along with reporting on Third Goal Activities of interest to our members and readers.
Social Events
Given the nature of our group and a membership dispersed in distant and far flung corners of the U.S.A and the world, PCFDRC did not organize or host a reunion for Returned Volunteers in 2019.
If any individual or group wishes to organize such an event, PCFDRC will announce the event in its website, newsletter, Facebook and Twitter pages. Please send all relevant information via the contact link on Facebook, Twitter and our website
In 2018, the Board adopted a policy concerning the dissemination of the PCFRDC membership list to protect the privacy of our members. For more information contact Carole Belanger at
The main source of funds for our contributions to Congolese NGO’s, come from our membership dues. Other sources of income have been derived from the sale of Wisconsin RPCV calendars and unsolicited donations received. Should anyone have any fundraising ideas, please contact us on Facebook at or on our website
Financial Report
A complete financial report is posted on our website.
Annual reaffiliation
Peace Corps Friends of the Democratic Republic of Congo has re-applied to continue to be an affiliated group of the National Peace Corps Association
2020 Hints to Come
Media is an important avenue to communicate with our members and to have conversations about the Congo, and its people. During 2020 PCFRDC will increase its social media presence, especially on Twitter.
We will continue to seek to fill an open seat on the Board of Directors of our organization.
Explore the feasibility of having a virtual RPCV reunion.
Board Members
Peace Corps Friends of DR Congo Board Members:
Paul D. Garriepy President RPCV serving at Goma, North Kivu Province 1971-1974
Martha Brown Gould Treasurer RPCV serving in Bas Zaire 1972-1974
Joe Fahs Website Coordinator RPCV serving in Equator 1971-1978
Carol Belanger Membership CoordinatorRPCV serving in Kasai Orientale 1979-1981
James Herne Secretary RPCV serving in Congo Centrale Province 1971-1973
Beth Duff-Brown Social Media Coordinator RPCV serving in Kasai-Central Province 1979-1981
The Board welcome comments and ideas from the membership.
Contact Information
Questions can be addresses to Carol Belanger at
Respectfully submitted,
Paul D. Garriépy, President
RPCV Congo 1971-1974